Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Draft Chapter

President for Life,

in the Age of Immortality

It was a beautiful day outside, and here Melker was, stuck inside for yet another boring day, primarily to answer the phone—since the pandemic closed almost everything, there had been no walk-in business in the award & trophy shop, and almost no phone or internet orders either—when businesses worked from home, or were simply closed, there was little call for awards to be presented.

Whenever Melker thought about it, he became worried and stressed—he’d inherited the business only three months ago, and now it seemed likely he would have close it from lack of sales.

It would be a shame, his great grandfather and name-sake had begun the business shortly after he emigrated to America from Sweden, his grandfather and father had continued to build the business into a thriving and profitable enterprise, making trophies and awards for clients throughout Minnesota and the Midwest. Tens of thousands had been uplifted by their products.

His father had died, one of the earlier victims of the new plague—although that was only determined weeks later.

Melker missed his father, they had both been devastated only three years ago when his mother had died—being shot by a police officer while she dug through her purse for her license after being stopped for a broken tail light. The officer had escaped any real punishment—police seemed immune to legal violations, and both Melker and his father had been grief-stricken and stunned by the miscarriage of justice. Melker had mostly recovered, but his father withdrew and seemed to shrink into himself, losing all interest in his depression. By the time the disease killed him, the 6’6” blond viking was nearly skin and bones.

Melker looked up as he heard a loud BANG of a backfire, to see an ancient Chevy Suburban, which may once have been white, but was now mostly rust, turn into the old strip-mall—build by his father using land they owned on either side of original building, he watched as the truck headed toward the liquor store—the only other business still open in the mall.

He shook off the depressing thoughts, and his eyes rested for a bit on the framed picture of his parents, taken only a year before mom died—they made an interesting couple, the giant blond viking and the petite dark black African. Melker himself was “only” 6’ and with only a few nods to his mother in his black curly hair, full lips and wide nose of his mother. They had met when his father had gone to Africa after college to help with economic development—and come home with a new bride

He went back to playing his game on his phone.

The Suburban had parked just to the side of the store, in a spot invisible from the counter where Melker sat. No one saw as the occupant sat and looked at his phone while occasionally spitting out the window, after a few minutes he shoved the phone into his plaid shirt under the yellow-green with reflective stripes vest, and opened the door to exit.

He was large, well over six foot, with bright orange hair. His face was bearded, with a long unkempt beard with the brown nicotine stains of a tobacco chewer, set into the beard was a huge glowing red bulbous nose, with a large yellow area protruding from the right side, his eyes were hidden behind bright green reflective sunglasses. The beard rested on huge man-tits above a large beer-belly, which overhung his ancient baggy florescent orange parachute pants—a good ten inches shorter than he needed, his socks were the red & white stripes of the witch killed by Dorthy on her arrival in Oz, and his boots looked like he’d walked through colored glitter with florescent lime-green laces. The chukka boots were ancient, with a gaping hole in the toes and soles separating from the toe. On his hands were a pair of aged, worn and dirty bright pink dress gloves. His hands were tiny for his size.

He stood up and stretched, yawning before reaching back into the vehicle to return holding a tall top hat, a bit dirty and bent out of shape, the top partially separated from the body of the hat. Under the dirt it was shiny black, and a small, woe-be-gone red bow decorated the thin hat band.

He carefully put the hat upon his head, and removed his phone to examine himself, making a slight adjustment to his hat, and combing the beard with his right hand. Satisfied, he again pocketed the phone and began walking toward the award store, on his right foot, a good portion of the red & white sock showed through the toe, on the left foot the sock appeared and disappeared in the gap between sole and boot with every step.

His right knee seemed stiff, and he winced every time his left foot touched the ground, his movement was erratic, as he swung the right foot out with knee straight limped on his left. His progress was slow and painful in the one hundred degree sweltering heat of midsummer, visible waves of heat shimmering over the asphalt. He spit, and the spit sizzled and dried almost on contact with the parking lot surface.

Melker, noticing the change in light, glanced up to see the profile backlit as the man crossed in front of the window filled with awards and trophies, and stood up as the man entered the store and the little brass bell announced his entrance.

Melker called out, “Good noon to you sir. Could I see your most recent plague test?”

The man grunted assent and reached into his breast pocket to remove a folded piece of paper which he placed on the counter before stepping back. Melker’s own test from this morning was posted above the counter in an old vinyl three-ring-binder document sheet. As Melker quickly scanned the presented paper without touching it—it was only an hour old, he continued to pretend to read while he examined the man on his phone below the counter which was linked to the security camera above him. A somewhat bizarre creature, but the door security system had spotted no weapons, and money was money—whatever the source.

He shoved the paper back across the counter and said, “Thank you very much sir. Beastly hot day out, isn’t it?

“My name is Melker, what can I do you for?”

The man moved closer to the counter, putting the paper from the counter back into his pocket and removing a couple of pages folded from the other shirt pocket, behind his phone. He carefully unfolded them and put them on the counter before Melker, then removing a small plastic water bottle from his left pants pocket, he spit into the bottle, recapped and put it back while Melker looked at the papers.

The top page was a specification for an award plaque, which was far more complex than any usual plaque. It was to be 13” by 11” by 2” thick—the usual plaque was more like ½” to ¾” thick—but far more unusual were the instructions for routing the middle of the plaque—a 7” x 10” x 1 ¾” deep cavity underneath an 8 ½” x 11” metal engraved plaque, specified for ¼” aluminum plate to be beveled ¼” in from the edges and coated with gold titanium nitrite before engraving. The wood was to be left uncoated. The quantity needed was 50,000.

At the bottom it said, “All notes and information about this project are to be returned with the product, and no one can be told about this under pain of death or imprisonment.”

The biggest surprise was on the second sheet, which was a ready to engrave 8 ½” x 11” page—at the top was the Presidential Seal and the signature was the distinct signature of the President.

Melker looked up with a quizzical expression, at the man across the counter—his eyes trying to avoid staring at the huge bulbous red and white object that was the nose.

The man pulled out his bottle, spit into it, recapped it and replaced it in his pocket, then reached into his right pocket and pulled out a leather badge holder, flipping it open as he showed it to Melker.

Melker stared at the badge before his eyes, it read “Treasury Agent.” He looked up at the man’s face and said, “You certainly don’t look like secret service…”

The man grunted and said softly, with a voice that sounded like gravel, “Undercover.

“How soon. Cost.”
Melker twiddled with his phone and responded, “One and one-half million, about four weeks. I’ll need half up front, the rest on delivery.” He smiled broadly, this single order would allow him to retire!

The man reached down, and pulled up a briefcase which Melker was certain hadn’t been in the man’s hands when he entered, he placed it before Melker and opened it, inside were bundles of used five hundred Euro bills.

“Two million. Matched upon delivery. I’ll send five shipping containers to be loaded,” the man growled, pulled out the bottle and spit, a bit of brown saliva running down his beard. “Bonus for every day short of four weeks, penalty of 1% per day over four weeks. Remember, tell no one, no electronic or paper records.” He crossed his throat with his left hand.

Melker swallowed, “of course. Discretion.”

The man turned to leave, Melker called after, “how do I contact you to tell you where to send the containers and when I will deliver?”

The man turned and tossed a phone on the counter. “Text me, the number is in there.” He turned around and proceeded to limp/spin his way out the door, the little brass bell tinkled as the door opened and closed behind him. Melker sat as if paralyzed while the shadow crossed the window back to the Suburban, then started counting bundles.

He yelled and whooped for nearly a minute, his world had gone from doom to wealth in—he glanced at the clock above the door—only five minutes had passed.

Suddenly Melker realized that he needed to get started immediately to have any chance of getting the bonus, and began calling his suppliers. He pushed the remote starter for his car, then he went back into the office, pulled a random bundle of bills and hid the briefcase under the floor under his desk—great grandfather had not trusted banks, the space was well-hidden.

Then Melker, pocketed the bundle and proceeded to the front door, put the “closed” sign up and locked the door, then back through the office where he grabbed his straw boater—his grandfathers hat, and left through the rear door, getting into his Ford escape, already running and just above comfortable temperature.

Carl, mama ti’s.” Mama ti’s African Kitchen, one of the cities best African restaurants, could almost match his mom’s cooking, and when times were less weird it had become one of Melker’s favorite places when he didn’t feel like cooking himself—and the shop was still profitable.

Somehow Mama ti’s was still thriving despite the plague, though only take out these days. Melker sent off one of his “usual” orders and noted the estimated ETA on the dash. “
Carl, music.” The sound system began playing his mix of favorites. “Carl, softer, recline seat full, darken windows, announce five minutes from destination.” “Yes, Melker,” the car responded.

Melker lay there, not hearing the music. Min Gud! What a strange and wonderful day, his salvation at a single stroke! He pulled out the bundle of cash. ”Carl, seat up, reading light.” The seat rose to driving position as the lights came on. Melker carefully examined a bill pulled from the middle of the stack, he pulled out his phone to magnify it—it certainly looked legitimate, after he took his lunch in the park, he’d stop at a bank and verify that was true. He put the bundle into the center console. ”Carl, recline seat full, light off.” Laying down, his mind raced with ideas and speculations, but none stuck, and in a couple minutes he was just listening to the music.

One of the big benifits of the plague was that there was little traffic, so before long Carl announced, ”Five minutes to Mama ti’s. Seat up?”

Melker replied, ”Yes, and lighten windows 25.”

”Yes sir.” Responded the AI.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Adventures of Sabbath and Zephyr

The Adventures of Sabbath and Zephyr

Sabbath was a very small black kitty—but he was a born leader.

We do not know where his story truly begins, as he first appeared as a very cold and hungry kitten at the house of some folk living half-an-hour north of Green Bay, Wisconsin—in February, a month which had many feet of snow on the ground and a winter which reached the usual sub-zero (-40) temperatures.

He entered my life months later, in May, when my wife woke up one Sunday and proclaimed that we needed a kitty.

She spent the day looking at cats in the newspaper (this was 1997, the Internet was brand new to most, and physical newspapers were still a major means of communication.)

Each listing she called was a new disappointment—every cat had been claimed!

Mid-afternoon, she spoke with the woman who had rescued Sabbath (then named Blackie,) but not about him, about another black cat which Sabbath had brought to his new home in need of care and food!

He too, had been adopted.

By the end of the afternoon, she had called about every cat, and none were available!  

Then the woman called back.

Her husband had told her that she should get rid of Sabbath (Blackie) too! (Not the least because of his habit of bring friends in need home for dinner…

An expedition was quickly arranged. Piling my wife and her daughter into the old Volvo wagon, we headed north.

On arrival, we found a pleasant house, with geodes, rocks and dream-catchers leading to the door—a hopeful sign these were our kind of folk!

Inside, in the kitchen, I met Sabbath for the first time.

He was small (I am 6’4” and huge,) and I reached down to pet great him...whereupon he immediately grabbed my hand with all four paws, and bit me just hard enough to draw four points of blood on the web between my thumb and forefinger. Then he rolled over and asked to be picked up. “You may take me to my home now.”

The message was clear. He was to be an equal, not a subject!

We took him home, I named him Sabbath after the band Black Sabbath...largely for the fun of it.

There was an air of predestination to the process--not one other cat was available that day...

◊ ◊ ◊ Sabbath rapidly adapted to our house and family, and within a few days I decided that I would put him in a harness and take him outside. We went out and I sat on the front steps while he checked out the immediate area. Living on a main highway, which has major traffic, despite a relatively low speed limit of 45mph, I didn't want to risk him...but as he seemed quite happy to sit and watch the world, I eventually went inside. And immediately looked out to check on see his harness lying on the grass at the end of the leash. He was gone! Three days later he returned. But he lost his outside privileges. For several months, we became increasingly impressed by Sabbath as he rapidly became top cat in the household. In October, our friend Bill, who joined us for dinner most nights, came in from the rain and announced that "Something grey--not a squirrel--had run into our garage as he drove up. As we only used the garage for some storage, I was fairly uninterested, but after dinner, Bill went out to investigate. When he returned a half-hour later, he held a small grey kitten, covered in grease and dirt. After I washed the kitten, we let him run around, and Sabbath introduced himself and began teaching.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why fuel efficient cars won't save us.

In all situations, the most important part of finding the best solution is the part usually given the least thought--defining the problem to be solved.

The most fuel efficient car that can be built, is still a poor solution to the real problem, which is in transporting people and cargo quickly, efficiently and safely.

The single biggest factor affecting fuel efficiency in America is the dismantling of the railroad system in favor of automobiles and trucks.

Individually powered and guided, vehicles are, by nature, inefficient, dangerous and slow especially for long-distance travel. The infrastructure required is extremely expensive on a per ton of material transported.

This has happened because despite the name "Department of Transportation," the transportation system has never been treated as a system and has been semi-functional at the whim of various special interest groups.

It is now, outside of major urban areas, nearly impossible to use mass transportation to journey with any degree of convenience within the US.

Because transportation is a hodgepodge of methods of transport which have no designed interface to assist in moving between various forms.

While you CAN travel using mass transit, it is usually far from convenient either in placement of terminals or scheduling.

Most long distance travel occurs using aircraft--one of the least fuel-efficient means available, and due to inefficient and ineffective security requirements, time-wise it is not even faster than travel by automobile for flights less than 1 hour flight time..

Additionally, few airports are well-served with mass-transit access, and fewer still are accessible on foot or bicycle.

Thus, when traveling by air, travelers have to arrange transport through one of a number of means, of which only a very few may be available.

Automobile is the only choice available for vast number so people. Among the disadvantages of this are the fact that you must leave an expensive car stored with little security available for theft for the duration of your round trip.

Because few of these decisions which affect transportation are made based upon technically good solutions, but rather by the politics involved with special interests attempting to influence the design, placement and financing of all major transportation projects.

This leads to "freeways to nowhere" and routes which are under or over utilized, and over-priced, under-specified construction often using both inferior materials and workmanship--preparing the way for lucrative maintenance contracts.

The use of long-haul trucking is far less efficient than rail, and is subsidized because trucking companies do not pay for the damage that heavy trucks inflict upon highways--roads which might last decades w/o major maintenance if subjected only to automobiles, are badly damaged in  less than 5 years.

This subsidization is a major factor in the demise of the rail system.

A large percentage of our rail system has been dismantled--although most of that mileage could be rebuild quite rapidly as the rail-beds are still extent. Required would be new ballast, ties, rails, bridges & road crossings. Thanks to modern rail equipment, this construction can be performed far faster than the original work.

After water travel, rail is the most efficient means of moving over moderate to long distances.

If we are to reduce energy use by increasing fuel efficiency, we need to stop treating individual means of transport as individuals and begin treating them as parts of an entire system.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The End of the age of Information

The phone tapping problem is indeed global:

Besides the security concerns for your own property and information this offers another, considerably more disturbing possibility.

What's more disturbing than having your identity and everything you own stolen?

News media are at best, unreliable, at worst, fabrications and fantasies.

The only reliable news from many places comes in tweets, sms/txt & such.
If you can intercept those, you can rewrite or block them:
"There's rioting in the streets, and the police
have opened up with automatic weapons fire on the crowd."
Sent from China, or Malaysia or London, anywhere--


"Hey! Having a great time. Getting ploshed & laid. Glad you're not here. :)"

Combine this with an unstable global economy, potable water shortages tottering governments, rapidly changing weather patterns (10-20xfaster than is being reported,) whatever the current threats of the day happen to be--the knowledge about them can be contained, if not forever, for several days.

Most, if not all governments (and probably corporations) monitor internet and phone traffic already. With only a slight change in programming, this traffic can be edited or blocked almost in real-time and that includes revising voice messages.

That leaves radio amateurs (who are registered to their governments,) and travelers for news sources--news then travels at the speed of transport. All vehicular traffic, air, ground & water is monitored at the boarders—and elsewhere in most places those traffic and stoplight cameras everywhere. If the government where you are, shuts down travel, anything moving becomes a readily seen target--day or night.

Combine this with remote or automated piloted armed drone aircraft (their abilities only limited by their programmers abilities and the powers-that-be desires.)

If it moves. Kill it.

That this can be done should scare the pants off everyone who's not the powers-that-be. That it hasn't happened isn't any real comfort.

The only thing makin the 1984 style tyranny impossible in the past was that you eventually end up having everyone watch everyone else, nothing gets done--and people are unreliable. In the US we have successfully trained the children for the past 30 years to report suspicious activities (mom & dad = terrorist/drug dealer|user?)

Wireless phone dependence is nearly universal in many countries--the only communications in some--in the developed countries nearly every child who can dial a phone--which means: push a button—has a phone. One button with speed dial (how often do you get butt calls? If people can dial their phone with their butt, which has no intelligence, it's reasonable to assume that most humans from about age 3 on up can do so.

The most successful tyrannies are, like the best cons, those in which the victims beg for it. It's how Hitler and Peron did it, and it's how the USA has effectively lost all rights for individuals. For those elsewhere, the USA's vowed to go anywhere to fight the "War on Terror" and the "War on Drugs"--which even the US government admits have only made the problems worse.

Even before the current threat in the Senate was written--as far back as 2001, it has been possible for the US government to 'legally' abduct and--whatever--anyone they decide is a 'terrorist.' And few governments have ever bothered to get permission to abduct whoever they're after, wherever they are, in a covert operation.

It's really only about 1% of the population that is an active threat capable of leading others and seriously thinking about situations.

Most governments already track such people--they tend to be visible.

Most governments in the developed world could 'disappear' the majority of these people overnight.

In the morning, a few journalists, teachers, lawyers and other professionals aren't to be seen at work--and no one knows anything about it.

Krystallnacht was, by comparison, a larger operation, more difficult to coordinate.

I'll admit, that this sounds like the ravings of mad-man--until you verify and examine what technology and laws are in place. Am I crazy? Is this just in my head? I certainly hope I am just crazy.

If you control information, laws become irrelevant.

People are conditioned to believe that 'conspiracy theories' are all just wackos. Part of this is that if the government explanation is conspiracy, they never call it's aways “ organization” responsible.

A conspiracy exists any time a group plans an illegal act. Whether they call themselves "Al Qaeda," the Senate, or have no name at all, they exist. And most world-shaking human events have involved one or more conspiracies: From the murder of Caesar, to the founding of governments of the USA, France, Argentina, Egypt, Germany and many more, conspirators have succeeded and changed the world.

History is written by the winners.

Every monarchy in Europe has it's origination in a few men grabbing control of a group. Legitimacy is made up afterwards.

Sitting Duck with Broken Wing

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The One Change Required to Repair Health Care in the USA.

There is one change to America’s Healthcare system which is required in order to actually improve the care and reduce costs.

It’s the change that HMO’s were supposed to make, but failed.

Currently, healthcare workers and companies from insurors to orderlies are paid based upon the number of treatments.

Insurers make a percentage of the insurance premiums--so the higher the premium, the more the insurance company makes.

Hospitals and clinics are paid based upon the number and kind of treatments given. And Healthcare workers are paid either by the hour or by the year or by the treatment.

Currently, nobody in the system except the patient has any real incentive to actually keep peo[le healthy--financially it is best for them if the patients stay ill enough to require services, but not so ill that they die.

We need to design the system to give those involved a financial advantage for a healthier people.

While complicated in detail (what multi-trillion-dollar industry isn’t complex?) the concept itself is quite simple:

First, insurance premiums are only paid when you are healthy--illness/injury stops the premium payments.

This provides the insurance industry an incentive to make certain that treatments are effective AND cost-effective.

As it is considerably cheaper to keep people healthy than it is to attempt to repair them when they are sick or injured, maintaining premiums at a stable rate causes the insurance companies to make higher profits from healthy policy holders on the same premiums.

Providers could concentrate on getting, keeping and training the best possible workers if their income depended upon the cure rate rather than the treatment rate (again, there are lots of details.)

Like a well run modern manufacturing plant, you would be able to tell by looking at how busy people were treating patients to determine how well things are going--the most profitable days are those where the staff spends their time learning and teaching instead of treating.

Fewer patients would permit us to eliminate some of the least safe practices of our system: workers would no longer be over-worked and short of sleep--both of which are major contributors to the accident rate in treatment..

My original impetus for this came from wondering why insurance companies wouldn’t cover drugs and treatment to help people stop smoking--but instead seem to prefer treating lung cancer and other diseases which often result from smoking.  It doesn’t take genius to realize that paying $100 to help someone quit is cheaper than spending 10’s of thousands to attempt to repair them after they have a disease!

But if cancer rates drop, the amount spent on treating it drops and everyone in the system loses money--including insurance companies who base their premiums upon actuarial statistics and compete on having the lowest premium or ‘best’ coverage.

Currently, it is far more profitable for a patient to come frequently to the provider for expensive (profitable) treatments which never actually cure them!

Without this change, no change to the system will result in improved health care at lower costs.

The healthcare industry, like defense contractors on “cost plus” contracts, have far more incentive to raise costs than to lower costs.

Holiday Driving Tip

Everyone knows that they shouldn't drive after drinking (or while drinking,) but how often do you drive when you're sick?

Over half of my moving violations occurred when I was sick or heavily medicated--yet not once has an officer asked me if I was feeling o.k. or if I were ill.

Anything that affects your ability to move or to think properly is a sign that you should either cancel your trip or turn the driving over to someone else.

This includes: prescription and other drugs, alcohol, nausea, severe headaches or other pain, lack of sleep--anything which affects your ability to move or think clearly.

If you are under the influence of any of these--get a second opinion from someone who's not under influence...and if they say you're not in condition, it's best to avoid the driving.

Do NOT trust your own opinion! Anything which affects you enough to make you an unsafe  driver probably affects your opinions adversely too.

If you drive while affected, you may take a life, and you will never be able to forget that. Dying is easy, living with having killed an innocent person is much, much harder.

Ask yourself: "Is this trip important enough to kill?"

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Enslavement of a People

What structural changes in society led American from a wealthy nation to a nation in debt?

The main change consists of the banking industry convincing people that a mortgaged home was the same as 'owning their own home.' I believe that the so-calle American Dream of home ownership was also a put-up job. After this, they were convinced that they owned consumer items when paid for with debt. Of course, in most cases all of these consumables (even houses are consumables and not really assets) have a cash value which is only 20% or less of the debt created to purchase them--so if you cannot pay, you end up losing 'your' things AND still in debt.

These changes ensure that your support group (ultimately family/clan) consists of as few people as possible--the less support you have and the more debt you carry, the tighter you are tied to your job, regardless of pay rate. In a quick calc, a 3 generation family with 2 elders 2 couples and 4 children would own their house as an  extended family, free and clear, saves on all routine expenditures, requires fewer vehicles and will likely raise more balanced children and more durable relationships while having surplus income to invest. They can also survive on one working adult's income rather than at least 3 if they occupied 4 separate dwellings. Effectively, 1-3 adults can be working and having their entire take-home pay invested.

Along with this housing scam, the offered abilities to mortgage the farm led inevitably to huge corporate farms and families dependent upon them for one can afford to stay home and watch kids and garden with everyone mortgaged and in debt for everything from cars to baby toys.

In a great many places in the US the 'neighborhood agreements' specify that vegetable gardens are either confined or banned--while mowed grass is required for at least the front yard--taking productive land out of production and making it an expense instead if an asset.

Today we're reaching the end, and end in which the vast majority own nothing, including a place to stand, air to breath and water to drink while the bankers hold all the real property, the rest are left with worthless paper or nothing at all except debts.

If I need $2,000 every month to pay my mortgage and debts, I am far less likely to tell my boss to shove it when turned down for a deserved raise.

The "War on Drugs" as it is played, is primarily a way to keep people in their current job--most people are tested only when hired, not while they are have to "get clean" to find a new job. At the same time, debt levels make survival "in the manner to which TV has accustomed us" impossible on a single income--adding stress, which is one of the main reasons people use any recreational drug.

Over the past 2 decades the US tax law has made being self-employed harder and harder, requiring more paperwork and fees at the same time eliminating things like averaged income for tax purposes (any creative independent has a very lumpy do most other small businesses. Few businesses generate steady income streams--with the exception of lending money.

Effectively, money today is created out of thin air only when debt is created. It's backed by the faith that it can actually be used to purchase things, but the fact is that today the average American HAS NO MONEY only debt, and that debt exceeds the value of the assets that it is backed by...effective slavery.

With a negative savings rate, every penny an American spends is borrowed money worth more for debt payment than for the purchased items.

The kids I know roaming the world living off the land and the dumpsters with nothing in their pockets except maybe a couple of dollars, have more money than most people living in $500,000 homes.

One of the major disadvantages of nuclear families is that the generational wisdom is unavailable--when you have 3 generations, at least one has lived through a recession and knows in their gut that it happens. It is around the dinner table that people learn about (or fail to learn about) money. Since the nuclear family dates back to the mid-40's, we have 3 generations raised with the idea that debt is normal and desirable. Prior to that, people avoided debt like plague, properly understanding that unless the borrowed money was going to generate MORE in income than it cost, it was evil.

The high divorce rate and bankruptcy rates devolve from the idea that you own something paid for with borrowed money and the nuclear family.

Humans are social animals which thrive in groups which help each other. Individual humans are weak and helpless.

Divide, conquer and own everything produced has worked quite well, while the slaves feel that they are 'free' because the chains are intangible.

The development of Kindergarten from the failures of the Germany mercenary efforts of the 1800's--created precisely to indoctrinate the population into following orders--when adopted in America was also used to provide purchasing demand. Lack of school uniforms is one of the mechanisms used, since this allows everyone to compare their 'stuff' to everyone else--encouraging class distinction and decreasing egalitarianism. Some inevitably become 'more equal' than others.

At the same time, while not as strongly as uniformed schools, early education in age cohorts promotes "me to"edness and group identification. In our current society, children are separated into cohorts in infancy and kept with their cohort until they become nearly fully-developed humans. They learn little or nothing from other age groups, develop a much smaller age spread of friends and in general are isolated from most of their society.

Today, I'd estimate that the 'average American' works 3 month for necessities, 3 months of the year for the government (about the same percentage as always) and the other 6 to pay the banks, ending each year just a bit further in debt.